This is the same process she uses to help women around the world rediscover their hopes and dreams, indentify the gifts, talents and skills they already have within and begin creating a legacy they would be proud of!
Through her coaching packages, workshops, speaking engagements and various teachings, Andrea offers single and divorced women alike; real life strategies on how to get unstuck, remove limitations and turn their dreams into reality.

Andrea T. Martin
Having such a painful past full of mistakes that she made, Andrea knows all too well what it feels like to be stuck in your past-unable to forgive yourself, unable to move forward, and unable to follow your dreams. She knows what it’s like to put on a brave face and be trembling inside. She knows what it’s like to look like you have it altogether when you’re barely keeping your head above water. Yes, she knows exactly what it’s like to feel emotionally drained, unfulfilled and trapped… because you’ve spent so much time taking better care of others than you took of yourself.
But rather than stay there, living a life of regret, wondering “what if”, Andrea decided to change her situation. So she took time to assess her life, rediscover what she wanted, determine what had to change in order for her to get there and then did the necessary work to make it happen. And it paid off. Andrea is now creating the life of her dreams.
And with that, her proprietary system, W.I.N.G.S., was born.
"Sometimes your most painful times clear the way for the birth of something new and beautiful"
Other nuggets about Andrea…
Proud mother of 2 beautiful daughters, Amber Renae and Ashleigh Janae
Certified Christian Coach (HIScoach)
24 years experience in the banking industry as a VP, manager, trainer and mentor
Member of the National Speaker’s Association, Women Speaker’s Association and Black National Speaker’s Association